
bash for loop examples

My favorite bash for loop examples.

server list from a file

Maybe you have bunch of servers and you need to check which ones are RHEL7 and which ones are still RHEL 6 (yikes !!)

for SRV in $( cat server_list.txt ) do
  ssh -q -i /home/sysadm/.ssh/my_rsa_id \  
  ec2-user@${SRV} "hostname; cat /etc/redhat-release;" 

Maybe you have bunch of servers and you need to check if one package is installed or not and you need sudo
Here is the trick, use "" (double quotes) instead of '' (single quotes)

for SRV in $( cat server_list.txt )
	ssh -q ec2-user@${SRV} "hostname; sudo yum list installed | grep cloud-init"

open multiple ports with firewall-cmd

Maybe you have bunch of port numbers listed line by line inside data file and you need to add those ports to your iptables

for PORT in $( cat data )
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${PORT}/tcp	
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${PORT}/tcp --permanent

do something 10 times

Maybe you neeed a one liner.

for i in {1..10}; do echo ${i} ;done